Please review the Volunteer Manual and complete our online application form if you are interested in becoming a West Lincoln Memorial Auxiliary volunteer. You will receive an email message acknowledging that your application was received.
About our process:
We accept high school student volunteers based on the successful completion of the screening process and our ability to find a position that matches the skills and availability of the applicant. Completion of the application process does not guarantee a placement.
Requirements to volunteer:
- Begin by submitting an online High School student application
Screening/Onboarding Process:
- Interview (you will be contacted by email or phone)
- Complete Reference Check Screening
- Complete the Pre-Placement Immunization Form (Not required until a position is offered)*
- Attend a general orientation session
- Attend scheduled training session(s) related to assigned volunteer position
* According to the Ontario Hospital Association all persons carrying out activities in the hospital must provide documented proof of immunization. The purpose of these requirements is to limit the risk of exposure and transmission of communicable diseases for staff, patients and volunteers and support a healthy and safe work environment. This includes a two-step tuberculosis (TB) test provided by your doctor or walk-in clinic as well as proof of immunizations to measles, mumps, rubella and varicella. Proof can include blood work showing immunity to these diseases or proof that the vaccinations were given.
How does the selection process work?
We look for individuals who demonstrate the qualities of a successful volunteer: motivated, tolerant, empathetic, tactful, discrete, respectful of patient confidentiality, a sense of humour, dependable and committed. We select applicants based on these qualities combined with their availability and skills.
Should you possess these qualities and have the availability to fill one of our vacancies then we want you.
How long does it take before I can start volunteering?
The entire process varies from person to person depending on status of immunizations and availability. The average time is between six to eight weeks before you start in your assigned position. Due to fluctuations in our needs for volunteers and the suitability of applicants, we cannot guarantee every applicant will obtain an interview or placement.
Is it possible for me to job shadow to explore a hospital career or obtain a high school co-op placement?
Hamilton Health Sciences provides various learning opportunities. Please contact HHS Student Affairs for more information: https://www.
What volunteer opportunities exist at the hospital?
There are volunteer placements in many areas of the hospital. Each year, more than 125 men, women and teens donate their time, talents and skills to West Lincoln Memorial Hospital to support patient care and make an impact in their community. Volunteers assist and provide services in a number of placement areas, including:
- Front Lobby Information Desk
- Café
For more information please contact our Student Volunteer Coordinator:
Christine Gudas-Murphy by email studentvolunteers51@gmail.com